Our services – Your value-added!
Specialised in companies from the sealants & adhesives industry, we support you in all relevant areas. The NET.WORK provides you with professional support in making your business with sealants & adhsives more profitable, attractive and sustainable.
Our services include:
Value-added strategies and communication, mergers & acquisitions, we find sales partners or ideal job candidates for you. We offer training and education, help you find raw materials, packaging and finished products. And we are also the right partner for topics such as translations, legal aspects, technical advice on product development or transformation & coaching.
Holistic value-added strategies and communication
Developing and implementing corporate, marketing and communication strategies
Your company has specific value-added to offer that distinguishes you from your competitors?
- The NET.WORK helps you develop the perfect strategy to showcase this value-added insife the relevant market!
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You feel your company is stuck despite offering good quality products, or that it cannot compete successfully in the relevant market?
Most companies focus their communication on their products and their technical properties, thus taking on the role of an unsophisticated supplier. The value-added that each company offers the customer and the market beyond its products, however, is what distinguishes this company from its competition and leads to a sustainable advantage.
Together we work on identifying the distinguishing value-added of your company and develop ways to further understand, promote and communicate these values.
In workshops throughout the different levels in your company, we identify the competition-relevant value-added, we define steps to promote these values and pave the way towards a sustainable value-added communication. In collaboration with an agency with experience in the trade, we then implement this value-added communication.
Mergers & Acquisitions
Facilitating M&A opportunities, cooperations and partnerships
You are looking for promising acquisitions, specific technologies or gateways into new markets – or you are looking to sell your own company?
- The NET.WORK brings you together with people and companies who are open to talks about these topics!
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Your company wants to expand its technological base, increase its capacity, open new marketing opportunities or even new markets, target groups, countries or regions? Your company is looking to fully or partly acquire suitable businesses or to find cooperations and partnerships?
When looking for suitable M&A targets, personal contacts based 100% on mutual trust are indispensable. If possible, the owners of a potential company should be contacted before even they themselves know they would be willing to sell. This approach is only possible through personal contacts and a strong and trustworthy NET.WORK.
Our NET.WORK provides these indispensable contacts and the trust needed to facilitate negotiations for a potential buyer, and to structure and accompany the entire M&A-process. We have intimate knowledge of the pertinent technologies and the relevant market to make dependable recommendations.
We introduce you to possible M&A candidates who match your requirements and whom we know personally. We organise a preliminary meeting an provide both sides with relevant information concerning peculiar ideosyncrasies. We give special attention to the emotional and psychological aspect of such a transaction, especially on the part of the seller, seeing that they determine the success of the venture.
Assisting you in the search for distributors in your sales areas
You want to expand your business into new countries, new markets or new distribution channels?
- The NET.WORK helps you find the rifht partner who will support you in reaching your goals inside new mrkets!
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Your company is looking for distribution partners for specific markets, target groups or countries/regions? Potential partners should ideally already be active inside the markets that your company is part of. They should know your customers and the particularities of the sector.
Trustworthy distribution partners who reliably represent your interests, work with their own sales force and are not in direct competition with your products are rare. Finding them will give your business an edge in distribution.
The NET.WORK personally knows such coveted distributors in different markets and countries. We vouch for their abilities and their reliability.
We introduce you to candidates that match your requirements and whom we know personally. We organise a preliminary meeting an provide both sides with relevant information concerning peculiar ideosyncrasies.
Recruiting experts of the trade for executive and associate positions
You are in need of competent and internationally experienced staff to implement your business strategies?
- The NET.WORK introduces you to suitable candidates matching your requirements!
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Your company is currently looking to hire or is generally interest in getting to know experts who are open for new job opportunities, in order to sustainably advance your organisation?
New staff with the relevant experience possibly acquired working with your competition is hard to find. Direct recruiting or headhunting is rightfully frowned upon.
The NET.WORK is in touch with many experts of the trade who are looking for job opportunities or new challenges. We introduce you to candidates who fulfill your requirements, and whom we know personally. We organise a preliminary meeting and provide both sides with relevant information concerning peculiar ideosyncrasies.
Professional development
Offering you professional sales and communications training
You are aware that your marketing and communication abilities are the key to your success?
- The NET.WORK shows your sales and marketing staff new ways towards success!
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Your company struggles to establish new products on the market, to approach new target groups or to handle new competitors? Your sales staff use the ever same methods to sell the same products to the same customers? This might be hindering your growth and your ability to compete.
Sales and marketing usually find it hard to explore new pathways, be it into new markets, towards new customers, concerning new products. Sales staff usually prefer selling products they know to customers who in turn know them. Different conservative or modern methods, such as cross-selling or value-added communication can help overcome this stagnation. Especially awareness about your company’s added value can aid sales and marketing in using relevant advantages for your success.
The NET.WORK provides experienced sales coaches with sales experience in the trade, who will show your sales and marketing staff new sustainable methods to highlight your role inside the market, strengthen your brand, and thus create sustainable growth.
Products and raw materials
Supporting you in the search for raw materials, packaging and finished products
You are looking for raw materials, packaging or specific finished products to complete your range of products or to overcome a shortage?
- The NET.WORK makes new sources accessible to you!
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Looking for alternative raw materials or packaging, in order to minimise the risk through a second source supplier or to optimise costs – proves difficult for many businesses. Part of the problem is rooted in long-standing customer-supplier-relationships, however, a lack of knowledge of the market is also relevant. Often a strategic approach to purchasing is lacking.
In times of supply shortage, the company then cannot rely on a second source. Not having a second source supplier may also cause the company to lose track of the price dynamics on the market and exclude it from technical progress.
Through its many connections into the worldwide industry of raw materials and packaging, the NET.WORK can provide your company with access to new sources. We also offer introductions of toll manufacturers for specific products.
Providing you with legally safe translations of product documentation, contracts, websites etc.
You are planning on expanding your business into new countries and regions?
- The NET.WORK provides you with suitable translations for all your documents in print and online!
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EU and international law demands that documentation of products and services (data sheets, catalogues, brochures, websites, certificates, test reports etc.) be made accessible in the languages of all countries in which the company is active. This requires idiomatic translations by a translator who has experience in the trade and knows the specific terminology of the business.
Many companies are unaware of the consequences of the quality standard in these translations for their liability. Standard translators or translation agencies usually do not have the neccessary technical background, which leads to wrong or ambiguous translations and thus makes the company liable towards its customers.
Our partner in the NET.WORK is a certified translator, who has worked for many years in marketing and product management with a high profile European construction chemical company. He provides flawless and legally safe technical translations.
Laws and norms
Offering you legal advice to satisfy laws, norms, standards and guidelines
You are struggling with REACH, GHS, CE, CLP and DoP? With patents, brands and internet legislation?
- The NET.WORK helps you deal with these challenges professionally!
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For many small and medium-sized companies it is nearly impossible to stay up to date about the quick changes in chemicals legislation and to implement these changes into their business.
The NET.WORK experts can assist you in the implementation of the relevant laws, norms, standards and guidelines and thus significantly help strengthen your company’s reputation and minimise its legal liabilities.
Technical advice
Supporting you in the development of new products, systems and applications
You lack capacities or know-how to develop or refine products and applications with regard to the market?
- The NET.WORK provides you with professional experience and advice in all things technical!
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Many businesses in the sealants industry only have a small team in the laboratory and application support – often, the team can just about manage the existing customers. However, this limits capacities for product development, product modification or bigger projects. There is a lack of innovative potential, which directly leads to a lack of competitiveness.
Experts of the NET.WORK who have extensive experience working in the technical department of very successful companies help you improve your company’s standing in this area. They make sure your company remains a powerful player on the market who easily keeps up with your customers’ requirements and expectations.
Transformation & coaching
Helping you with the psychological challenges in times of change, transformation and digitizatio
You have to manage transformation and digitization with your company and need a motivated, committed, open and innovative workforce for this? You know that you cannot impose the necessary transformation from above?
- The NET.WORK helps you overcome the psychological challenges by turning “the affe cted persons into parties involved”!
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How can managers and employees be supported in these demanding, uncertain VUCA times in order to cope with the psychological interactions (vision-people-processes-structures-people)? These are often underestimated or overlooked or simply reinforced, e.g. through position struggles, latent overload, security tendencies, lack of error culture, perceived fear of existence – everything becomes unstable instead of agile!
The psychological challenges are:
- Attract employees to implement the transformation (commitment)
- Support employees in their personal development (development)
- Recognize and deal with difficulties and resistances in good time (relaxation)
- Design transformation processes constructively and use them effectively (empowerment)
We offer agile and tailor-made consulting services:
- Analysis and kick-off workshop as a preliminary work for your decision
- Management and executives coaching for a successful top-down process
- Support your managers with innovative and lively workshops
- Training of skills of managers and employees to increase resilience as a team
Quality and process control
Permanent increase in efficiency and customer satisfaction
You are looking for an approach to solve quality problems to get your processes under control?
- The NET.WORK helps you bring processes to a high quality level and implement improvements together with your employees!
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Some of your customers are about to leave, their buyers put you on the escalation list. Your processes do not run as they should and cause additional work and rework. You lose money. Your customers and employees are dissatisfied, quick action is required.
Most companies would now try to combat the symptoms and make gradual improvements through trial and error. You may be able to appease your customers and employees for the time being, there is, however, still a long way to go towards a permanent solution.
Together with you we will measure the errors in the processes, identify their causes and then systematically eliminate them. We then set up a process control system so that you can maintain the process level reached. A number of quality tools and methodologies are used for this, our consultants select the right one for you, for example Kaizen, CIP, SPC, Lean or Six Sigma.
We involve your employees in problem solving and train them to be problem solvers. This enables them to get a handle on quality and process problems first with coaching, later independently.
Together with your management team, the NET.WORK consultant and coach takes responsibility for the definition and control of the joint improvement activities. If you act courageously and select the right and important improvement topics, you can usually achieve a benefit of 10% of EBIT in the first year.
Employee development
Identification, expansion and combination of employee competencies
You have to manage transformation and digitization with your company and need a motivated, committed, open and innovative workforce for this? You know that you cannot impose the necessary transformation from above?
- The NET.WORK helps you overcome the psychological challenges by turning “the affe cted persons into parties involved”!
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How can managers and employees be supported in these demanding, uncertain VUCA times in order to cope with the psychological interactions (vision-people-processes-structures-people)? These are often underestimated or overlooked or simply reinforced, e.g. through position struggles, latent overload, security tendencies, lack of error culture, perceived fear of existence – everything becomes unstable instead of agile!
The psychological challenges are:
- Attract employees to implement the transformation (commitment)
- Support employees in their personal development (development)
- Recognize and deal with difficulties and resistances in good time (relaxation)
- Design transformation processes constructively and use them effectively (empowerment)
We offer agile and tailor-made consulting services:
- Analysis and kick-off workshop as a preliminary work for your decision
- Management and executives coaching for a successful top-down process
- Support your managers with innovative and lively workshops
- Training of skills of managers and employees to increase resilience as a team